
Do you know whether your IT programmes and projects are on track to deliver their expected benefits? Whatever stage you’re at in the portfolio, programme and project lifecycle our experienced project management professionals can provide you with the support, challenge and expertise to ensure you’re focussed not only on doing the right things but making sure you’re doing them right.

We provide the insight and rigour to give you confidence in the long-term delivery prospects of your programmes and projects. Our expert practitioners bring to bear tried-and-tested tools, techniques and experience to ensure successful project delivery through:

Healthchecks or deeper reviews that go beyond checking process and procedural compliance to analyse the dynamics of a project or programme as a whole and to pinpoint the real threats to successful delivery

Independent, evidence-based challenge to help you keep your programmes and projects on track and give you highly practical recommendations to improve the probability of a successful outcome 

Ongoing testing of estimates, schedules, budgets and stakeholder engagement to confirm that the business case remains sound and achievable

Support with preparing your programmes and projects for internal, external or regulatory review

Our approach to project assurance moves beyond simplistic “monitor and review” audits to focus on a real-world appraisal of how your programmes and projects can best achieve the right outcomes.